When your agent submits your proposal it will usually take1-2 working days for the policy approved (provided there is no medical requirements and that the credit card can be deducted)
Upon Policy Approval - PRUHealth can cover ACCIDENT related admission
Normal sickness - After 30 days from the time the policy is approved. Note: you need to pay first and then claim later. See below
Hospital Admission Service (HAS) - HAS means that the medical card is "online" meaning you don't have to pay first and then claim later when hospitalized. This takes place around 90 days from the policy approval.
7 Specified Illness please wait 120 days from policy approval for coverage to be effective Stones in the urinary and biliary systems,Hypertension or cardiovascular diseases (except heart attack),Diabetes mellitus,All tumors, cysts, polyps or cancer,Surgery of the sinus, nasal septum or tonsils, Hernias, haemorrhoids or fistulae, Endometriosis or dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
Waiting Period is not to make our clients suffer but more of a Bank Negara Guideline to protect insurance company from fraud cases. "Already sick then want to buy to claim cases"
Unsure what this all means please email me or sms me.
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